What kind of services does Magnes offer?
When it comes to efficiency, we have you covered.  Magnes works with clients to streamline and improve administrative processes. We eliminate wasteful overhead, enabling your business to focus on the things that matter most.  Whether you are a start-up company or an established industry leader, Magnes can get you up to speed with the latest in technology solutions.

Strategy, Technology & Logistics

Administrative Consulting

Administration is a costly part of doing business.  Our facility consultants review your administrative operations and recommend ways to enhance cost-efficiency and productivity.  This individualized service includes onsite consultations to evaluate office design, outsourcing, shipping management, staffing, equipment, mail handling, internal customer satisfaction, and health and safety.

We specialize in the streamlining of processes, outsourcing opportunities and multi-site reviews.  Following an onsite analysis, we present a detailed recommendation of changes that can be made to improve the value of your administration.

Sustainability Solutions

It isn't easy being green?  It is when you work with Magnes' sustainability consultants.  Implementing a series of green initiatives is surprisingly simple and affordable.  Conserve resources and reduce operating expenses while creating a healthy workplace.  We focus on waste reduction, recycling, green purchasing strategies, energy efficiency, water conservation, and sustainable travel and transportation options.

Magnes consultants also assist in preparing your office for green certification.  Being green certified confirms your business's commitment to the environment and ensures your company's compliance with the latest in green initiatives.